Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Inferior by Peadar O'Guilin

Towards the end of last year I intended to write a piece talking about some of the books that I read during last year. I just never got around to do it. However, I wanted to share at least one book: The Inferior by Peadar O'Guilin (yes I know, that's not accurate Irish spelling).

The inferior is Peadar's first novel. It has been classified under "Young Adult", and it really is a mix between Fantasy and Science Fiction. It is book one of the Bone Trilogy.

The book works under a very interesting premise: "What if you lived in a world where the only food available was each other". It sounds gruesome, it is a bit gory, but it is extremely well managed from beginning to end. While not all the characters are developed in great detail, Peadar spends a lot of time talking about some of the different races that inhabit the planet. My favourite ones are the diggers and the long tongues. In my opinion this is more valuable to paint a better picture of the universe of this trilogy. There are more details of the plot on the Amazon link above.

Peadar is currently working on the second book of the trilogy, and I can not wait to get my hands on it!

Peadar maintains a website, frozen stories, where, among other things, he keeps links to some of his work published on-line. Drop by to get a taste for his writing.